Tag: George Washington

Lecture – The Swords of George Washington

This lecture was rescheduled from February 20 due to winter weather on the original date. Whether in the role of militia officer, commander of the Continental Army or president of the United States, a sword frequently hung by George Washington’s side. Nine of his swords are known to exist today, and each has a fascinating […]

Author’s Talk – Unlikely General: “Mad” Anthony Wayne and the Battle for America

President George Washington was determined to secure the Old Northwest—the region extending from the Ohio to the Mississippi—for American settlers, but a powerful Indian confederacy barred the way. Two successive military expeditions to take control of the region had ended in expensive and bloody disasters. Congressmen, reluctant to authorize a third, insisted that it was […]

Lecture – Washington and Hamilton: The Great Collaboration

The most important collaboration in American history was the unlikely alliance between a wealthy Virginia planter, George Washington, and a brash immigrant from the Caribbean, Alexander Hamilton. Washington and Hamilton fought for the better part of twenty-five years to secure the American experiment in the face of bitter partisan opposition at home and determined enemies […]