Recent Online Workshop:


Revolutionary Revelations: Unveiling America’s Founding Treasures

The American Revolution Institute of the Society of the Cincinnati & The Center for Civic Education Joint Professional Learning Webinar

September 24, 2024, 7:00-8:30 p.m. (EST)

Join us for an exclusive webinar commemorating Constitution Day 2024! Delve into the heart of American democracy as the ARI unveils a thoughtfully curated selection of rare treasures from our library and museum collections related to We the People: the Citizen and the Constitution, a flagship program of the Center for Civic Education. These documents and objects embody the ideals that drove the American Revolution, established by the foundation of our republic, and continue to unite us today. Whether you are a history enthusiast or an educator seeking rare documents and images to enrich your teaching, this webinar guarantees to offer invaluable insights into our nation’s fundamental principles and their contemporary significance. Registration link HERE.