Master Teachers Seminar, American Revolution Institute
Washington, D.C.
July 8-12, 2019
These satirical rebuses from May 1778 follow the failed attempt of the Carlisle Commission to negotiate a peace between Britannia and America. Click here to view the translations of these engravings.

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"Britannia to America"
Matthias and Mary Darly
May 1778The Society of the Cincinnati, The Robert Charles Lawrence Fergusson Collection
This rebus letter (a letter that combines words and pictures to make its sentences), portraying Britannia as a mother urging her daughter America to jilt the Frenchman she is planning to marry and stop rebelling. This political satire refers to the American alliance with France and concerns Great Britain's last attempt to end the American Revolution through diplomatic means by sending a delegation known as the Carlisle Peace Commissioners to Philadelphia. First of two rebus letters issued by Matthias and Mary Darly in May 1778, satirizing the peace commission; second letter issued a week after, reply from the American colonies entitled "America to her mistaken mother."
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"America to her mistaken mother"
Matthias and Mary Darly
May 1778The Society of the Cincinnati, The Robert Charles Lawrence Fergusson Collection
This rebus letter (a letter that combines words and pictures to make its sentences), refers to the ill-fated Carlisle Peace Commission organized by William Eden to negotiate a settlement with the Americans in 1778. In words and pictures it says: "You silly old woman that you have sent a dove to us is very plain to draw our attention from our real interests..." and is signed "I am your greatly injured Daughter America." Second of the series of two rebus letters issued by Matthias and Mary Darly in May 1778, satirizing the peace commission; reply of first letter entitled "Britainnia to America."