Pinellas Schools K-12 Social Studies District-Wide Training, Palm Harbor University High School
Palm Harbor, Florida
August 4, 2022
Inquiry-based lesson materials drawing from the American Revolution Institute’s collections of rare books, manuscripts, portraits, and artifacts highlighting the American Revolution: our Independence, our Republic, our National Identity and our Highest Ideals—liberty, equality, natural and civil rights and responsible citizenship were shared with participants. The Institute’s student and teacher resources—which are free and readily accessible for synchronous or asynchronous leaning—were be introduced, including the online lessons created by our master teachers during their residential week at our library and museum in Washington, DC. Featured was a lesson designed by master teacher Anne Hester, a teacher at East Lee County High School near Fort Myers entitled “Diplomacy and Devotion: The Franco-American Alliance in the Age of Revolutions.”

Washington et Rochambeau donnant les derniers ordres pour l'attaque d' Yorck-Town
Louis-Charles-Auguste Couder, artist, Felix Massard, engraver
Paris? ca. 1840The Society of the Cincinnati
Engraving of Rochambeau, Washington and Lafayette standing outside a tent on the battlefield at Yorktown with their officers, reviewing the plans for the battle.
Le General Lafayette
Achile Moreau, engraver, after Jean August Dubouloz, artist
1825The Society of the Cincinnati, The Robert Charles Lawrence Fergusson Collection
Lafayette is sitting on the deck of the Brandywine with dark clouds above breaking so a shaft of light falls on him. In the clouds to the right are figures of the American Revolution, headed by George Washington.