Tag: American Revolution

Virtual Author’s Talk – Underwriters of the United States: How Insurance Shaped the American Founding

Unassuming but formidable, American maritime insurers used their position at the pinnacle of global trade to shape the new nation. As Hannah Farber demonstrates in her new book Underwriters of the United States: How Insurance Shaped the American Founding, the international information insurers gathered and the capital they generated enabled them to play central roles […]

Livestream – The British Are Coming: The War for America Begins

Watch live online as Rick Atkinson delivers the annual George Rogers Clark Lecture on the beginning of the Revolutionary War and the fight for American independence. Who can doubt that the creation story of our founding in the American Revolution remains valid, vivid and thrilling? Even in 2021, at a moment when national unity is […]

Virtual Author’s Talk – Religion and the American Revolution: An Imperial History

For most of the eighteenth century, British Protestantism was driven neither by the primacy of denominations nor by fundamental discord between them. Instead, it thrived as part of a complex transatlantic system that bound religious institutions to imperial politics. As Dr. Carté argues, British imperial Protestantism proved remarkably effective in advancing both the interests of […]